The daffodils are doing mighty fine.
We have cherry blossoms too.
I like all the miniature daffodils we have in the rose garden.
And now there are hyacinths. The fragrance garden is just overwhelming with the scent of them.
On Wednesday while most of the volunteers and staff were moving trees,
I worked on more rose pruning. I had to spend an inordinate amount of time with this vicious bush
that I now not so affectionately have named Rose the Impaler because that was what she did to me, many times. I found little wounds all over my arms after I got home.
On Saturday the regular volunteers and some of the staff did "skilled labor" a.k.a. weeding
while a LARGE number of students from more than one school had to do a fair amount of standing around.
Their job was to mulch and the staff driving the trucks back and forth to the mulch central couldn't keep up with all the help.
I took a walk through the whole garden and was walking behind a bride who was there for photos. It was like following a ghost .. a veiled lady al in white who was always walking away from me. I would just get glimpses of her ahead as the path wound in and out.
I had the pleasure of talking with some visitors including nice family here from Calgary who couldn't have been more pleased with how much spring we had.
And we do have a lot of lovely spring right now!